blog TCC Mar 25, 2015

You have probably heard Digital TV's latest buzz word 'TVEverywhere'. But now you're wondering what is it, what does it mean? Can I have it?
You have probably heard Digital TV’s latest buzz word ‘TVEverywhere‘. But now you’re wondering what is it, what does it mean? Can I have it?
I think if it was called “why do I now have to ‘sign in’ to watch last nights Grey’s Anatomy online?!?” it would get more attention. Don’t stress, we will have you caught up on your favourite shows again in no time.
Basically, TVEverywhere [TVE] is an awesome new service that allows digital TV subscribers to stream some of their favourite TV stations on their mobile devices. You can watch both live shows and on-demand content. There are only 2 requirements: 1. you must subscribe to the channel through your at home TV package and 2. that channel must be TVEverywhere compatible.
TCC is now offering 5 TVEverywhere channels with many more on the way. All you have to do is register [don’t worry, this is free] and create a username and login. HERE are the step by step instructions to let you hit the ground running.
So next time you’re sitting at the doctors office waiting for your appointment or spending the night at the arena supervising back-to-back hockey practices ? don’t wait, watch instead.
PS: If you like TVEverywhere, you’ll LOVE Cravetv ?